
Showing posts from January, 2020

God Basics: Following Jesus

Following Jesus. The biblical definition of "following" and the expectation that Jesus had when he commanded people to "follow" him has a different definition than what is seen today. To "follow" someone now is so shallow. Click subscribe, click like, scroll through their page, watch their lives through the obscurity and privacy of your own device in the comfort of your own home. You can follow someone in secret without any requirement of your own will, without any requirement of disturbing your own way of living. You can follow someone for a while, and then stop following when you lose interest. You can follow someone until they offend you or disturb you or hurt you and then you can un-follow and just like that you're done. You can follow anything, anyone, for any reason, for any purpose without any work on your end. You get to sit by and watch without any effort without any motivation without any desire to actively participate. You are able to fol...

God Basics: Fearing God

Verses:  Deuteronomy 10:12 Psalm 33:8 Ecclesiastes 8:13 Ecclesiastes 12:13 Isaiah 33:6 Acts 9:31 1 Peter 2:17 Revelation 14:7 SMALL GROUP: 1. Pick three or four verses to read as a group from the list above. 2. In scripture it says we are to Fear God. How is that possible, if God is a god of love? 3. What do you think the Bible really means when it comes to "fearing God?" 4. Discuss thoughts/ideas/questions/comments from the video.  5. Why does God want us to fear Him? 6. On the whiteboard, write down words to define the "fear" that God is talking about. Show and tell with the large group! 7. Prayer