Mary, Lazarus's sister
Mary came from family with three children. She was the youngest. She had an older sister Martha, and a brother Lazarus. Lazarus became ill and died. Jesus steppe into the scene and raised Lazarus from the dead! Lazarus is obviously grateful and is a legend in an of himself. Mary thought her life with her brother was done. She had to say goodbye to him and grieve his life. When Lazarus was returned to her and brought back to life, her only response was gratefulness and pure unadulterated worship. She forgot about the cost of things. She poured her most expensive and valuable item on the feet of Jesus. When you walk through death and the trauma and grief that accompany death, only to have the Lord restore all that was lost, your perspective and values shift. They shift unexplainably. People who have not walked through the valley of the shadow of death or have not experienced what you have experienced will see your act of worship as foolish. Judas accused this pure hearted worship an...