Gifts of the Holy Spirit: SUPER Natural
Testimony about speaking in Tongues at Spencer Lake in 6th grade. 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 Romans 12:3-8 Make a list of gifts from these Bible verses: Wisdom Knowledge Faith Healing Miraculous Powers Prophecy Distinguishing between spirits Speaking in different tongues Interpretation of tongues Prophecy Serving Teaching Exhortation Giving/Contributing Leadership Mercy The father has been described as the Father of Lights who gives good gifts to his children. It goes even further to say that every good and perfect gift is from him. God desires to give his children things. He desires to shower us with good things, with blessing, with love, with hope, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. All things the Father touches is for our good, is for our benefit. He has our best interests in mind. He wants to give us gifts. 1. Read the Bible verses listed and make a list of all the Spiritual Gifts. 2. Go through each gift and disc...