God Basics: Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is God. Equal in power and honor. Equal in fear and respect. Equal in love and devotion. His presence on the earth is better than having Jesus as a man walking the earth. The Holy Spirit is what binds all Christian Believers together. He gives us power. He gives us wisdom. He is the small voice inside of us telling us we shouldn't do something. He is the fruit that we operate in when we are showing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Without the Holy Spirit we would not be able to read the Bible and receive the true LIFE that flows from Scripture. The Holy Spirit in my life is my best friend. He is closer than a brother, he walks with me, he never leaves me, he tells me the truth when I want to believe other things, he shows me what to do when I feel clueless, he shows me amazing secret adventures with the Lord that I could never have done by myself. He is like the TV in my mind when I am praying for people. He give me vision, he gives me dreams, he gives me prophetic words, he allows me to pray for people and feel what they are feeling. He is always available to us at anytime, in any place, he is omniscient and omnipresent. He knows everything and will reveal himself to you whenever you ask and for whatever reason you need Him. He never turns away people that are hungry to know the truth. He always speaks the truth and He always does so in love. He will answer every question you bring to him with a pure heart.

Bible Verses: Acts 1:7-8, Acts 1:4-5, Luke 24:49, Galatians 5:22-23, 1 Thessalonians 5:19, Romans 8:9-11, [SHOWS UP Acts 2:1-4], [SHOWS OUT Acts 2: 17-21, 36-41], [SHOWS OFF Acts 2:42-27]

1. What goes through your mind (ideas, pictures, words) when you hear the phrase Holy Spirit?
2. How would you describe the Holy Spirit to someone that had no idea who he was?
3. The Holy Spirit is described as counselor. What does that mean to you?
4. How are you using the Holy Spirit each day? How could you get better or what do you think you could do differently each day to incorporate the Holy spirit in your day to day life?
5. The video showed the walls breaking down in that white room, and then it showed buildings all lined up next to each other. What is the video referencing, and what do you think these buildings symbolize?
6. Are there walls in your heart and mind that you wish were gone?
7. List the coolest story about the Holy Spirit that you have ever experienced?
8. If God is a Father, and Jesus is our Savior, what is the a word you could use to describe the Holy Spirit based on the Bible verses you read, and personal experiences.


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