Evangelism : Signs, Wonders, Healing and Miracles

 Jesus was the first and greatest evangelist of our time.

He was the first embodiment of the God of scripture. He pointed people to God the Father and was always bringing the good news everywhere he walked and everywhere he taught. There wasn't a place that he wasn't sharing the good news of the Gospel. He was the walking Gospel.

His goal was to point people back to their creator, and back to the God of heaven. Preaching the good news and bringing the hope of Jesus to the lost is the greatest gift we can give the world. Another way to bring the good news to the world  is through signs and wonders. 

Jesus was in the habit of feeding, healing, raising, and loving the lost so well that people were turned to God the father and the truth of the Gospel.

Signs and wonders are some of the greatest tools that God wants us as believers to use in order to spread the Gospel and evangelize. 


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