Mom Dad Orphans & Crowns // Thessalonian Model

Moms, dads, orphans and crowns. These were the four themes I gravitated to while I was reading through chapter 2. 

Here's what it says about Moms. It says that moms care for us, and they not only share the Gospel with us, but they also share their lives. 

Here's what it says about Dads. It says that dads are encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God who calls you into his kingdom and glory.

Here's what it says about orphans. It uses the word orphaned like a verb. The writers of this letter wanted to be with this church body, but they said that they were orphaned, only in person not in thought. I think this is so applicable to right now. Orphans are left alone, without any protection, family or care. Some of you might feel orphaned mentally, spiritually and maybe emotionally. Like there is not one person to turn to. The Bible gives us a healthy process to follow whenever we feel orphaned. It says in verse 17 that out of their intense longing they made every effort to see their friends. Here's what that means. It is perfectly acceptable and normal to feel orphaned. No judgment or shame for feeling orphaned. The Biblical model shows us what to do in that state: REACH OUT TO YOUR FRIENDS. That's the best news I've heard all day.  

Here's what it says about crowns. At the end of our lives when we go to heaven, it mentions in the Bible that we will throw our crowns at the feet of Jesus. What does that mean? Crowns are referencing and symbolizing all the blessing and favor and good stuff that we received from Jesus while we were here on earth. It's almost like a huge thank you to Jesus when we get to heaven and see him, we are going to be filled with such thankfulness and gratitude that we give him our crowns. In this Bible verse it says that Paul thinks of the church in Thessalonica as his crown. Meaning, Paul thinks these people are one of the highest blessings he has ever received, and goes on to say that these people are his glory and joy. UNREAL. I can't wait to meet these people when I get to heaven. These people don't have individual names that are paraded around the world, but they are receiving some incredible praise and adoration from Paul himself. Unreal. To be placed on the same level as the highest blessings from Jesus, they are probably incredible people. 

Why were they so incredible?

The people in Thessalonica were not a people of fluff. They received high praise and high applause because of what they did. They heard the word of God, they received the word of God, and they accepted the word of God! You know what happened to them? The Word of God began to work inside of them. I keep hearing the word VERB. This church didn't just talk about the Word of God, they were actively hearing it, receiving it, and accepting it! You know what happened when the stopped being passive about the Word of God? The Word of God started doing the work. Their end of the deal was to receive the word and accept the word. After they did that, it says that the Word of God is at work in you. We don't even have to do the WORK! We just have to accept the word as true and then the Word gets to work inside of us. That is a heck of a deal. If I knew that I could get away with the better end of a deal that benefited me and made me more like Jesus and all I had to do was consciously agree and then the Word of God would do the work, sign me up! I would be first in line. All the Bible requires of us is that we believe, that's it. When we believe and come into agreement with the Word of God, God does the rest of the work! What an amazing deal. We really luck out. 


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