Defining & Sustaining God's Fire: SO THAT

The phrase SO THAT appears many times in Scripture.
"God gave his only son SO THAT none should perish." John 3:16
"God sent his fire SO THAT people could turn and know him." 1 Kings 18:37
"God saved his people SO THAT they could in turn bless others." John 17

1. What are you called to do SO THAT others can know Christ?
2. What stories stood out to you from the documentary? Why?
3. If you had to put yourself into one scene from the documentary, which one would you want to be a part of? How would you fit in. and what would you want to try?
4. In what ways has God spoken to you?
5. Share a time when you stepped out in faith because you felt it was what God wanted you to do in the moment.
6. Pray.

Video Documentary:
Holy Ghost Reborn - Darren Wilson


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