Thankful 2020

 I had this idea that Matt Shelby Joe and I were supposed to pour thankfulness out onto your heads like a bucket full of love and sunshine and goodness. I felt like we were supposed to spread out our thankfulness on you all because you might not hear the truth about your value in our lives and the value you carry in this group enough. I heard God say to me one time that His goodness could never be exaggerated, meaning even if you are internally rolling your eyes while Matt Shelby and I are pouring thankfulness on you, try your best to receive our words as true.

So I want you all to put your inner critic, your wall of non-trust in the garbage for 15 minutes. I want you to exercise your trust muscle if you haven't exercised that muscle in a while. I promise that we are not lying to you. I promise we are not trying to get something out of you. I promise that we are only speaking truth and pouring thankfulness out. Receive it. Try to believe it. I think it'll change your life. 


Here's a list of things I am thankful for here at SUMMIT YOUTH GROUP.

S = sometimes this group of people makes me laugh.

U = underneath your "cool" or "awkward" or "sporty" or "tough" exterior, I am thankful there is a genuine heart that really truly wants to know more about God and who He has made you to be.

M = most of you are pretty ok.

M = many of you are nicer than you look.

I = internal battles and struggles are talked about and dealt with in love and understanding.

T = true friendship and true worship happen in this building on Wednesdays. 

Y = you guys are the greatest generation even to live on this planet and I'm thankful and honored to know you.

O = once in a while Matt out-ping-pongs you young people, reminding me why I married him.

U = under rare circumstances, I'm thankful for popcorn in my koolaid, and Collin actually eating. 

T = too many food contests with only one winner.

H = Happiness is more than just an idea, it is felt and realized in these four walls.

G = growth happens numerically and spiritually but maybe not in height for some of you.

R = ridiculous amounts of pink lemonade are consumed here.

O = open minds and open hearts and open doors for anyone to enter in to meet Jesus in a new way happen here.

U = understanding more of each other and more of God's word.

P = Power to resist evil is made easier amongst friends that point you to God.


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