What's the Point? Praying

Why pray? God already knows what I'm thinking and feeling? God already knows what I need better than I do?

Purposely Reaching Asking Yielding.
Petition Repent Asking You

What's the point of praying?
  • Creating connection to God.
  • Changing your heart.
  • It is not for God, it is for you!

How to pray?
  • There's no formula.
  • Literally, praying is just like talking.
  • Analogy of talking to a close friend.
  • Legal things that count as prayer: Thanking, Asking, repenting, complaining, venting, yelling, praising, shouting, sitting silently, singing, reading the Bible out loud, 
  • Stopping your plans.
  • Following God's plan.
  • Trusting that God knows what He's doing and that he has the BEST for you.
Examples in the Bible
  • Jeremiah 13
  • Psalm 119
  • Psalm 141
  • John 17
  • Revelation 8:3-5
  • Revelation 5:8

SONGS regarding prayer:
Like Incense - Hillsong


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