
Showing posts from November, 2020

Thankful 2020

 I had this idea that Matt Shelby Joe and I were supposed to pour thankfulness out onto your heads like a bucket full of love and sunshine and goodness. I felt like we were supposed to spread out our thankfulness on you all because you might not hear the truth about your value in our lives and the value you carry in this group enough. I heard God say to me one time that His goodness could never be exaggerated, meaning even if you are internally rolling your eyes while Matt Shelby and I are pouring thankfulness on you, try your best to receive our words as true. So I want you all to put your inner critic, your wall of non-trust in the garbage for 15 minutes. I want you to exercise your trust muscle if you haven't exercised that muscle in a while. I promise that we are not lying to you. I promise we are not trying to get something out of you. I promise that we are only speaking truth and pouring thankfulness out. Receive it. Try to believe it. I think it'll change your life.  SU...

Mom Dad Orphans & Crowns // Thessalonian Model

Moms, dads, orphans and crowns. These were the four themes I gravitated to while I was reading through chapter 2.  Here's what it says about Moms. It says that moms care for us, and they not only share the Gospel with us, but they also share their lives.  Here's what it says about Dads. It says that dads are encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God who calls you into his kingdom and glory. Here's what it says about orphans. It uses the word orphaned like a verb. The writers of this letter wanted to be with this church body, but they said that they were orphaned, only in person not in thought. I think this is so applicable to right now. Orphans are left alone, without any protection, family or care. Some of you might feel orphaned mentally, spiritually and maybe emotionally. Like there is not one person to turn to. The Bible gives us a healthy process to follow whenever we feel orphaned. It says in verse 17 that out of their intense longing they ma...

Being a people of Thanksgiving // Thessalonian Model

Book Study of 1 Thessalonians What would make a group of people worthy of high praise as mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 1:2? What qualities did they carry that Paul boasts so highly of them and says that he always thanks God for them? Do people around you thank Jesus because you are alive? I am genuinely thankful for each person sitting in this room. I am thankful that you are giving Jesus your time and investing in your spiritual health and your spiritual walk with Jesus. No time spent with Jesus is ever wasted time. It is always beneficial, even if it is 2 minutes, or 2 hours. Any time invested with Jesus is always a benefit to your health and well-being. How many of you know what a thesis statement is? It is a sentence in your essay that summarizes the entire point of the paper, and you spend your whole paper proving this one thesis statement. Here is the thesis statement for why Paul is grateful for the church in Thessalonica: We remember your work produced by faith, your labor promp...