
Showing posts from 2022


 Hearing God Created uniquely as human beings, we are crafted to hear the heart of God and the voice of God differently than the people around us. There are similarities and overarching principles to guide us in knowing how to hear God, but there are also unique ways God chooses to speak to us. Heartwork. I like to think of creator God as an artist. He introduces himself in scripture as the creator of all things around us and he has crafted the world to run with amazing laws and rules and principles. He is an artist and the world around us is art work. The beauty of the sky, the intricacies of the human existence, the intangible qualities of love and hope and peace are all credited to God himself.  As an artist he has crafted unique ways to speak to his children. First off he wrote the Bible for us to get a word from Him. He also created His Son Jesus so that we could learn about Jesus and see the qualities and character traits of Jesus so that we could see God's qualities and...

Spiritual Reps

 We as human beings were created to be strong. We have the choice to decide how strong we want to become. Reps and discipline create strength physically. We were also created to be spiritually strong, and the only way to do this is through Spiritual Reps. Jesus tells us in scripture to lay down our fears and our burdens at his feet. First of all, this sentence tells me that we will actually have fears and burdens. If we didn't even have fears or burdens we would not be able to lay them down. Secondly, to lay down fears and burdens it requires spiritual muscles to lay them down and to do spiritual reps. We have to choose to let those things go.  We can't deny we have the fears and burdens, because that is absolutely insanity. Assuming you won't ever have problems is foolish. We also can't living in our fears and our burdens. We need to feel our fears and burdens, and then lay them down at the feet of Jesus. When we do this we get stronger.  You will get plagued with prob...

EQ: Joy's Affect on Heart, Soul & Mind

 Joy is an emotion most commonly understood synonymously with happiness, sunshine, positivity, good vibes, and smiley face emojis.  Is joy just sunshine? How does Joy affect all 3 parts of the human being? Joy releases serotonin into the body, and serotonin helps to boost mood. How joy affects the heart : Proverbs 15:13 A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.  How joy affects the soul : Philippians 4:8 Think on these things Studies and research show that thinking about a good memory, or a time in your life when you felt joy can boost your mood and actually release serotonin into your physical body. It sounds like God already knew this, so he commanded us to think about good things as listed in this Bible verse Philippians 4:8. Ways to help release serotonin into your body include exercise, sunshine and foods rich in tryptophan (because tryptophan gets converted into serotonin). How joy affects the mind : Frontal Lobe monitors your emotiona...

EQ: Colossians 3:1-17 - Understanding, Using & Managing Emotions

3 Ways to Better Understand Your emotions 1. Expand your emotional vocabulary.  2. Rate the intensity of your emotion. 1-10 3. Write it out. / 20 minutes, without a filter or need for perfectly crafted sentences, then throw it in the garbage. 4. Bring God into that memory and ask Him where He was. Using your emotions Colossians 3:1-17 Managing your emotions Thankfulness. 

EQ: Matthew 26 - Loving With Heart, Soul, & Mind

  Read Matthew 22:36-40 What is the greatest commandment, according to Jesus? How would you define the word “commandment?” Jesus breaks this down to three parts: heart, soul and mind.  How do we love God with our heart? How do we love God with our soul? How do we love God with our mind? What is the second greatest commandment? Jesus says we need to love others how we love ourselves. What happens if we don’t love ourselves well, how does that affect how we love others? Jesus wants us to love ourselves well, so that we can love others better. What is a way to love yourself better? How can you love others better? Bible reading this week / Worship song(s) / Prayer requests