Hearing God Created uniquely as human beings, we are crafted to hear the heart of God and the voice of God differently than the people around us. There are similarities and overarching principles to guide us in knowing how to hear God, but there are also unique ways God chooses to speak to us. Heartwork. I like to think of creator God as an artist. He introduces himself in scripture as the creator of all things around us and he has crafted the world to run with amazing laws and rules and principles. He is an artist and the world around us is art work. The beauty of the sky, the intricacies of the human existence, the intangible qualities of love and hope and peace are all credited to God himself. As an artist he has crafted unique ways to speak to his children. First off he wrote the Bible for us to get a word from Him. He also created His Son Jesus so that we could learn about Jesus and see the qualities and character traits of Jesus so that we could see God's qualities and...