Spring Cleaning, Removing unwanted Emotional & Spiritual Baggage

What's the progression? Removing unwanted emotional and spiritual baggage.

Baggage makes you heavier causing you to sink. As Peter was filled with courage, he was enabled to walk on water. When he agreed with fear and doubt, he was instantly weighed down and then began to sink. I picture fear and doubt as weights added to Peter's body spiritually. It says in scripture that "Jesus's yoke is easy and his burden is light."

Spring Cleaning:

  • Remove
    • items that are unwanted
    • items that don't fit you anymore
    • items that weigh you down
    • baggage
    • expired items
    • moldy food
    • paper plates under your bed
  • Rewash
    • Spiritual
      • Wind-ex of the Spirit
      • Word of God: washing and regenerating
      • Blood of Jesus
    • Natural 
      • Proper cleansing items
      • Bleach on carpet is a no go
      • Windex on the couch would also not work
      • bed sheets
      • dusting
  • Replace
    • Empty places now need to be filled Matthew 12:43-45
    • New weather, new clothes

Bible Verse:
Matthew 14:22 - 36 Peter Walking on Water
Matthew 15
Matthew 12: 43 - 45 Reset house and more demons returned


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