Jesus and His Trip to Earth

Repeated Phrase: It is better to give than to receive.

Is it better to give than to receive? What are the pros and the cons of giving in comparison to receiving?

Pros: You feel better, it probably makes other people happy,
Cons: You may have to let go of something you rightfully deserve; you may not even enjoy or like the person that you are giving something to; you may not feel that person deserves what you are giving them; the cost of giving can be an issue.

Pros: someone thought of you and decided to bless you with an item; you feel cared for; you may get something that you need and were unable to get yourself; it makes you smile
Cons: you might receive something you didn't want; you might feel pressure to keep the item that someone gave you even if you dislike it and there might be weird family pressure to put on a show of false gratitude because of family guilt.

Jesus asks us to give up our lives for Him. When we give up our lives for Him, He will receive us. Why can Jesus ask so much of us? What gives Him the right to ask us to deny ourselves and give up our lives for him? He only asks us to do things that he has already done.

A good friend doesn't ask you do something that they first wouldn't do for you. A healthy friendship has both giving and receiving. In our case, Jesus definitely gave more, but he does ask us to give up ourselves for him.

Some people criticize Christianity and say that it is so legalistic, so full of rules, so full of things that we have to give up or stop doing, which in one sense is true. However, when we pause and think about all the Jesus has given to us and everything that he had to let go of for our eternal benefit, I think that we can agree that we get the better end of the deal.

Christmas is jolly, happy, fun, merry, and full of candy cookies gifts and giving. I believe in my heart and mind that God was genuinely sad to be a part from Jesus that first Christmas. Picture someone you love with all your heart (not romantically), and then picture being separated from them for 33 years. God gave up time with his son for us. Jesus gave up HEAVEN for us. Jesus gave up LIFE for us.

Mark 8:34-38
1. (verse 34) What does denying yourself look like in your own life?
2. (verse 35) What in the world is this verse trying to say?
3. (verse 36) In this verse, what happens to us if we gain the whole world?
4. (verse 37) What did Jesus give in exchange for our soul?
5. (verse 38) What does this verse say will happen to us if we are ashamed of Jesus?
6. What is something you want to give more of this Christmas season?
7. Prayer needs/requests.


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