The Gospel of John Chapters 1 - 7

 Chapter 1 :  Jesus is the light of the World 

1. Read John 1: 19-28.

2. What do you notice about John the Baptist?

3. Read John 1:35-42

4. John the Baptists lost disciples to Jesus. Why did that not bother John?

5. What new name did Jesus give to Simon?

6. Read John 1:48-51

7. Jesus had a prophetic vision and saw Nathanael without physically being there. How did Jesus do this?

8. Bible Reading

9. Prayer Needs

Chapter 2 : Wine Miracle / Cleansing the house

1. What stood out to you in this episode

2. Read John 2:1-12

3. How did Jesus treat his mother?

4. This was His first miracle. Why did he do it? (verse 11)

5. Read John 2:13-25

6. It says zeal for His Father's house will consume him. What other time was Jesus at his Father's house?

7. Verse 19 Jesus is speaking prophetically about what?

8. Verse 24 and 25 speak about Jesus and people's opinion of him. Did Jesus need people's approval?

Chapter 3 :  Nicodemus Questioning Jesus / John the Baptist pointing to Jesus for salvation

1. Read John 3:1-15

2. Why did Nicodemus come to Jesus at night?

3. Read John 3:16-21

4. In verse 19, why does it say that some people love the darkness?

5. In verse 21, what type of people enjoy the light?

6. Read John 3:22-36. 

7. Look at verse 27. If you aren't receiving love from heaven, you cannot give love out to anyone else. What other things can you think of that we need to receive first from God so that we can give it to others?

8. Look at verse 34.  It says God will give His Spirit without measure. If you truly believed God would give you His Spirit without any limit, what would you ask for from God?

Chapter 4: The Woman at the Well

1. Read John 4:1-15

2. When Jesus mentions "living water," what is He talking about?

3. What does Jesus mean when he says they will never be thirsty again?

4. Read John 4:16-19

5. What spiritual gift is Jesus using when he starts talking about her personal life?

6. Why did Jesus not worry about offending her?

7. What was His main goal is bringing up her past? Was it to show off His power? Was it to shame her?

8. Read John 4:25-30

9. Why is it significant that the woman left her water jar at the well?

10. The Samaritan woman met Jesus, and then immediately told her town about it. How can we be ore like her?

Chapter 4: Jesus heals an official's son

Teaching thoughts: When Jesus says what he says in verse 48 about this Centurion official needing a sign and a wonder in order to believe, it almost feels offensive. When I read that verse it almost sounds like Jesus is annoyed with another person walking up and approaching him out of the blue asking for a miracle. The official didn't even ask the question for why he was there, and already Jesus was offering this push back statement, if you will. The centurion official did not back down after Jesus words. In fact, the official was bold and direct in his question and request of Jesus. The official knew his son was dying, he knew there was nowhere left to turn. He was so desperate for a miracle, and he turned to the one guy he knew could get the job done. Sometimes I believe that faith for miracles is conditional based on our hearts and based on our human faith. Sometimes I believe that God wants to do the miracle for us and then we get in our own way. I think we get in our own way through insecurity, worth issues, timidity, fear, doubt, shame, false motives, pride, anger. 

1. Read John 4:46-54

2. What does Faith look like to you?

3. What person in real life inspires you to have more Faith?

4. What person from the Bible inspires you to have more Faith?

5. What are some ways we can grow in our faith?

6. Do you think we have the power to stop a miracle from happening in our life?

7. How often do you ask Jesus to increase your faith?

8. How many times do you ask Jesus to do something that feels impossible?

9. Share a time Jesus did something in your life that seemed impossible.

10. Bible reading this week? Worship song that you are really into?

11. Prayer needs / wants. 

John 5:1-16

1. What did Jesus do for this crippled man?

2. Instead of rejoicing over someone being healed, what did the Jewish leaders focus on? (verse 10)

3. Jesus did not seek glory or attention after this miracle. What did Jesus do? (verse 13)

4. What warning did Jesus give the man in verse 14? 

5. What does Jesus mean when He says, "something worse may happen to you?"

6. Why do you think the Jewish leaders were so quick to accuse Jesus for doing something so miraculous and kind?

7. Have you ever seen a miraculous physical healing in real life? What was it?

8. Bible reading this week? Worship song?

9. Prayer needs?

John 5:17-30

1. Read verses 17 & 18. Why did the Jewish leaders want to kill Jesus?

2. Read verses 19-23. Jesus has the power to judge and give life and to give eternal life. Is there any higher authority? 

3. What authority do you have in your own life?

4. Read verses 24-27. What is the only requirement for eternal life?

5. Read verses 28-30. What do you picture in your mind as you read these verses?

6. Will people literally come out of their graves in their human bodies?

7. Or will people be instantly drawn into heaven in their spiritual bodies?

8. Bible reading this week / worship music this week.

9. Prayer.

  1. Read John 5:31-35

  2. What does it mean to testify about something?

  3. How did Jesus describe John in verse 35?

  4. Read John 5:36-40. 

  5. It says that Jesus has the testimony of the Father in heaven on his side. Is there a higher person that you would want testifying about you?

  6. Does studying the Bible itself give you eternal life?

  7. What does Jesus say gives you eternal life? (Verse 40)

  8. Read John 5:41-47.

  9. What does verse 41 mean in regards to “accepting glory from human beings?”

  10. Could someone convict you of being Christian? Would there be enough people to testify?

  11. Bible reading this week? Worship song that you are really into?

  12. Prayer needs / wants. 

  1. Read John 6:1-15

  2. Who has heard this story before?

  3. What did you notice different this time reading through it?

  4. What does this story tell us about the character of Jesus?

  5. Read John 6:12-13 again.

  6. Talk about Jesus not wasting anything. What does this mean for us today?

  7. What is something painful that happened in your life that later you realized wasn’t wasted.

  8. Read John 6:14-15 again.

  9. Why did Jesus withdrew to the mountainside?

  1. Read John 6:16-21

  2. How far did the disciples row?

  3. What happened when they let Jesus into the boat?

  4. What 2 miracles happened in this portion of scripture?

  5. Read John 6:22-24

  6. The large crowd went to search for Jesus the next morning. What other city did people travel from the see Jesus?

  7. What city did the crowd go to, to look for Jesus and his disciples?

  8. Read John 6:25-26

  9. Did Jesus answer the people’s question?

  10. What did He do instead of answer?

  11. Read John 6:27-29

  12. Who did God place His seal of approval on?

  13. What is the one thing that Jesus says is “the work of God?”

  1. Read John 6:30-40

  2. Vs. 30-31, these people wanted a sign from Jesus. Why do you think people are always wanting Jesus to do something for them? Is this still true today?

  3. Who can share what they remember from the Old Testament story mentioned in verse 31 about manna?

  4. Vs. 32-35, who is the Bread of Life?

  5. Jesus says whoever comes to him will never be hungry or thirsty. What does he mean? Is this literal?

  6. Vs. 37, Jesus says if anyone comes to Him he will never drive them away. If someone feels far from Jesus, who’s fault is it?

  7. Vs. 40 says that it is God’s will that everyone who looks to Jesus and believes in Him will be saved. Why then do some people go to hell?

  8. Any other thoughts on this chapter?

  9. Bible reading this week / Worship song(s) / Prayer requests

  1. Read John 6:41-51

  2. Verse 42. Jesus said he was from heaven, but the Pharisees were confused. Why were they confused?

  3. The pharisees didn’t believe Jesus’ word, but only looked at the facts of his past. Have you ever been in a similar situation?

  4. Verse 51. Why did Jesus say this to the Pharisees? Was it meant to be taken literally? Is Jesus promoting cannibalism?

  5. What is the deeper meaning for Jesus saying these words? He isn't a fool. He doesn't speak without purpose. What was His purpose? 

  6. Verse 66. What did some of Jesus disciples end up doing after Jesus said these words?

  7. Verse 70. Who does Jesus call a devil?

  8. Any other thoughts on this chapter?

  9. Bible reading this week / Worship song(s) / Prayer requests

  1. Read John 7:1-13

  2. What were the Jewish leaders looking to do to Jesus? Why?

  3. Verse 3 talks about Jesus’ brothers separately from His disciples. Did you know Jesus had brothers?

  4. Verse 5 says Jesus’ brothers did not believe in Him. Talk about what that must have been like for Jesus. Can you relate to people not believing in you?

  5. His brothers wanted Jesus to be a public figure and show off His skills at the Festival. Did Jesus listen to his brothers?

  6. Read John 7:14-24

  7. People were amazed at how well Jesus taught. How did Jesus teach so well? (verse 16)

  8. Jesus never tries to prove himself or gain personal glory. Who gets the glory because of Jesus’ teaching? (verse 18)

  9. Explain the problem Jesus has with the religious leaders regarding circumcision and healing? (verse 23-24)

  10. “Stop judging by mere appearances. Instead judge correctly.” What does Jesus mean by judging correctly?

  11. Any other thoughts on this section?

  12. Bible reading this week / Worship song(s) / Prayer requests

  1. Read John 7:1-13

  2. What were the Jewish leaders looking to do to Jesus? Why?

  3. Verse 3 talks about Jesus’ brothers separately from His disciples. Did you know Jesus had brothers?

  4. Verse 5 says Jesus’ brothers did not believe in Him. Talk about what that must have been like for Jesus. Can you relate to people not believing in you?

  5. His brothers wanted Jesus to be a public figure and show off His skills at the Festival. Did Jesus listen to his brothers?

  6. Read John 7:14-24

  7. People were amazed at how well Jesus taught. How did Jesus teach so well? (verse 16)

  8. Jesus never tries to prove himself or gain personal glory. Who gets the glory because of Jesus’ teaching? (verse 18)

  9. Explain the problem Jesus has with the religious leaders regarding circumcision and healing? (verse 23-24)

  10. “Stop judging by mere appearances. Instead judge correctly.” What does Jesus mean by judging correctly?

  11. Any other thoughts on this section?

  12. Bible reading this week / Worship song(s) / Prayer requests

  1. Read John 7:25-31

  2. Why did people want to seize Jesus? What did he say that triggered them?

  3. Why was Jesus able to get away from them? (verse 30)

  4. It says that some people did believe in Him. What did Jesus do that caused people to believe Him? (verse 31)

  5. Read John 7:32-36

  6. Now the Pharisees wanted to arrest Jesus. What was the reason this time? (verse 32)

  7. Jesus said that He was going to a place that no one could find Him. What place is Jesus talking about?

  8. Why would Jesus say that He was going somewhere no one could find him to the religious leaders? Isn’t Jesus supposed to be welcoming and inclusive?

  9. Read John 7:37-44

  10. Jesus waited until the last day of the Festival to speak. Can you think of a time you were waiting for God to answer your prayer, and it seemed like He spoke at the last minute?

  11. What is Jesus talking about when He mentions “rivers of living water?”

  12. What is the difference between people thinking Jesus is The Prophet, versus The Messiah? (You can use google if necessary.)

  1. Read John 7:45-52

  2. Compare the response of the Pharisees to the response of Nicodemus when it comes to Jesus. (who was more annoyed)

  3. The Pharisees couldn’t handle Jesus or anyone that believed in Him. The Pharisees even went on to say the mob was “cursed.” Have you ever been around people that are so dramatic and jump to ridiculous conclusion because they don’t like someone?

  4. Read John 7:53-8:6

  5. Why do you think Jesus went to the Mount of Olives?

  6. Jesus came to teach and serve the people. The Pharisees came to accuse. What were the Pharisees accusing this woman of? What is adultery?

  7. Why don’t the Pharisees bring in the man to accuse him publicly?

  8. What did Jesus do at the end of verse 6? 

  9. Jesus shows us we do not need to attend every argument placed in front of you.

  10. Read John 8:7-11

  11. Jesus was the only one who could have thrown the stone because He had no sin. He did not throw a stone. What does this tell us about Jesus’ character and heart?

  12. Does Jesus approve of sin? No. What does Jesus command the woman to do at the end of verse 11?

  13. Bible reading this week / Worship song(s) / Prayer requests


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