Spiritual Disciplines : Prayer

 What is it?

Prayer is : talking to God about anything, communicating a specific idea, requesting something (advice, help, guidance, a miracle, a need, an answer to a question), telling God who He is to you, speaking out loud qualities of God, expressing gratitude towards God, any form of communication to God is prayer.

How do we do it?

Mark 1:35 Matthew 6:5-13 You can pray alone, with other people, quietly, loudly, etc. You can be angry when you pray, you can be sad when you pray. You can be hurt when you pray. Just open your mouth and let your emotions and words flow. 

Why do we do it?

We pray because things actually happen when we pray. Things happen to us and things happen around us. We pray because God hears us and acts for us. We do it because Jesus did it, and we are trying to be like Jesus. If the only perfect human to walk to the earth JESUS needed to pray, we need to do it.

James 5:16 Tells us that our prayers are powerful. It also tells us that we get healed when we pray.

When do we do it?

24/7/365 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Says to pray without ceasing. We are supposed to pray without stopping. In the morning, at night, in the middle of the day, when you breathe.

To whom do we pray?

Other belief systems say that we can pray to different things. Some people pray to nature, some people do this thing called “manifesting” when they are just saying words out loud hoping that the universe will somehow come to their rescue and make things happen for them. This is crazy talk and borderline insanity to think that inanimate objects will somehow help you. We are required to pray to God, and only God. Anything else is psycho, foolish and will not help you.


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