Spiritual Disciplines : The Secret Place

 Matthew 6:6 talks about going into your room and shutting the door to pray to your Father who is in secret.

Christianity has created the term the "secret place" to refer to this room that Jesus talks about in Matthew 6. 

Countless times in scripture it talks about Jesus retreating to a secret area to pray. It mentions in scripture that Jesus would pray early in the morning and would go away to the mountainside so that he could be alone. This would be a great example of Jesus going into the secret place. 

Matthew 14:23

Mark 6:46

Luke 6:12

Mark 1:35

Luke 5:16

We are called to constantly strive to be like Jesus, and thankfully we don't have to attempt to be like Jesus without any help. Jesus is actually going to help us become more like Him in every way, if we ask him too.

The secret place does not have to be a location necessarily, but if you are new to praying and entering into communion and fellowship with Jesus on your own, I highly suggest creating a place that is dedicated to praying and spending alone time with God. Try to set aside a specific area in your house, and start with 10 minutes a day sitting and praying in that specific area. Don't bring your phone. Do bring your Bible. Do bring a journal. Start by talking to God. The more you talk with him, the easier it will be. 

If Jesus needed to pray, so do you.


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