Evangelism: The Power of Testimony

 Testimony. Usually when I hear this word I think of a court room. I picture the person accused of some crime, and then I see the witness stand right next to the judge and I see the lawyer asking this witness questions and the answers this person gives is called their testimony.

The testimony of the witness of a particular event can make or break this person on trial. The testimony of the witness gives proof or non proof of the events that happened. If this person on the stand gives testimony that is contrary to the claims of the person on trial, the person on trial can be sentenced to jail!

The power of testimony is not something to dismiss.

Three testimonies come to mind when I was prepping for this week's talk.

The three testimonies that matter to you as you walk out your faith are: God's testimony about you, Your testimony about you, and the Accusers' testimony about you. 

These three testimonies can change your entire life for the good or for the bad. 

We know that God is the ultimate authority and the supreme being. On a test, I know that each of you would get that answer correct. Who is the most powerful being in the universe, God. Obviously. Along with this omnipotence that God has in His character and presence, His words also carry this same power and authority. God's testimony is true and real and permanent. If he said it once, it is still true today.

The second testimony I want to discuss is your own testimony about yourself. The way you think about your self, the way you talk about yourself. You are with yourself the most  out of anyone, so it is absolutely important that you are thinking and talking rightly about yourself. There is so much power that you have in what you allow into your mind and out of your mouth. There is so much power in what thoughts you allow yourself to think about yourself, and the words you speak about yourself. It says in Scripture that your tongue actually has the power of life and death. 

The last testimony is the testimony of the accuser. The enemy goes out and seeks to steal kill and destroy. If you start hearing things inside of your mind that are accusing you or bringing you down, don't accept those thoughts as true. See them as what they are: lies and deception from the enemy. 

Vision: when I was praying about this week, the Lord gave me this vision. He showed me that our testimonies about things that God has done in our lives or words that he has spoken to us, are golden keys. What do I mean by that? I saw that every time we share about something that God has done for us, or a way that He has come through for us, our testimony acts as a key to not only unlock ourselves from fear, but our testimonies are also keys to help unlock other people in their own faith journey. When we share about What God has done in and through us and in our own experience, other people are encouraged and lifted up and in a sense unlocked to see the truth about God and what He is capable of doing. Testimonies build faith and help us all walk in freedom. 

God's testimony over us is to help unlock us into freedom.

Our testimony helps us help others to get unlocked into more freedom.

The accuser's testimony is intended to lock you up and keep you in bondage. 


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