
Here are the details for our Summer #alphaomegachallenge. The idea : start and end the day with the Word of God.

Here are some helpful verses to help encounter and experience the Word of God in a new way.

#1 Read it Nehemiah 8:8
#2 Believe It Romans 10:8
#3 Receive it James 1:21
#4 Taste it Proverbs 19:10
#5 Eat it Jeremiah 15:16
#6 Hold it fast Titus 1:9
#7 Hold it forth Philippians 2:16
#8 Preach it 2 Timothy 4:2
#9 Search it John 5:29
#10 Study it 2 Timothy 2:15
#11 Meditate on it Psalm 1:2
#12 Compare it 2 Corinthians 2:13
#13 Rightly Divide it 2 Timothy 2:15
#14 Delight in it Psalm 119:92

Enjoy this tool to help delve into God's word deeper than you might have ever done before.


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