There is Another in the Fire

 There is another in the fire. 

This week has felt almost like someone took the rug from under my feet and ripped it out, leaving me on the floor. Sometimes I feel like there is small hope for change and normalcy, and then I get stopped in my tracks. I want things to be normal, I want things to remain consistent. I desire things to NOT have corona. I desire things to not have MASKS. I desire things to not be constrained. I feel claustrophobic socially. I feel like the sanity of any person at any given time is a ticking time bomb just waiting to erupt or explode on contact because of any small thing.

2020 vision allows us to see reality as it was intended to be seen. 2020 calendar year has been a way for Jesus to reveal things inside of our own minds and our own country that are in need of correcting. Jesus watches us closer than we can even imagine. It says in Scripture that he knows when we rise and when we walk away and he sees every thought and every motivation and every action of every human at every time. 

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into a blazing fire so that they would be eliminated. The king at the time hated that these 3 chose to worship God against the mandate put in place by that current government. The government under King Nebuchadnezzar required and mandated all citizens to worship a statue. Shadrach Meshach and Abednego refused to worship this idol above God, and were punished for it. Sometimes following the will and plan of God will result in uncomfortable and horrible situations. Jesus doesn't guarantee an easy care free life without pain or suffering. Unfortunately the will of God sometimes leads you right into fire. Right into the fire. Right into chaos. Right into pain or discomfort. However. Unlike popular opinion or experience, Jesus won't just lead you and leave you. Jesus won't just ditch you. If you stick your neck out and make a stand for Jesus, he is the most LOYAL person in the entire universe and He is going to BACK YOU UP. 

I had an experience in high school. How many of you remember or have been to a mall before? I was there in high school killing time, roaming around. We were going to see a movie so we would shop around at stores, then buy candy at ShopKo, then go to the movie. As we are walking through this particular store, I accidentally knocked over a manikin. Straight on the floor. Loud bang. The whole deal. People staring. Random side eyes from strangers. I couldn't not believe how embarrassing this situation was and that it was happening to me...oh my life it was a nightmare. And wouldn't you know, in my hour of embarrassment and humiliation, where were my friends? That's right, ditching out!! They ditched me right when I NEEDED THEM. They could not contain their laughter and were already halfway down the mall hall, with tears of laughter streaming down their face. I was left to pick up this stupid manikin by myself. 

Daniel 3 the entire chapter. This chapter details the King's mandate to worship a golden statue and the men of God being delivered from a fiery furnace. We are not required to fight for ourselves. Jesus defends us. 


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