
 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20

Jesus desires to be near you. He desires to be next to you at all times. He is so kind and so loving that He will not force himself onto you, but will wait until you draw near to him or invite him into your space. Countless times in Scripture we see Jesus being respectful to people's social and emotional boundaries. He stands at the door at knocks. He invites you to come to him. He is running down the street to meet you when you decide to return from your way of prodigal living. Never is there a time when people can say: I searched so hard for Jesus but couldn't find him; or I spent my whole life trying to get close to God but He was no where to be found. It's the opposite actually. Most people say things like: I had spent my entire life running away from God but then I decided to give my life to him and He was right there. Jesus stands and waits for us. He invites us to walk with him and abide with him and fellowship with him, but it is up to us! He isn't needy. He isn't desperate. He is fully functioning without us. He loves and DESIRES us, which in all honesty is a higher form of love. If someone says that they cannot function without you in their life, walk away. That is a needy, broken relationship that is going to fall a part. You cannot be in a healthy relationship with someone if they are nothing with out you. That type of a relationship is a dependent relationship. The foundations of a dependent relationship are jealousy, never being enough, unhealthy need, zero ability to function a part from you. That is like a parasite. It will eat your life away. Jesus is not a parasite that needs you to survive. He is a loving Father and friend that wants to be in relationship with you because of the desire of His heart! There's a line in a song by Casting Crowns that says: how amazing to find you don't need me, how amazing to find that you want me. We need vitamins to live a healthy life. We want ice-cream because it tastes amazing. Jesus is literally waiting for you to look at him. He is patiently pursuing you at every turn. He is patiently waiting for you to fully surrender.  


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